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"The Best way to find your Self, is to lose yourself in the service of others"--Mahatma Gandhi

     I am PCDT CAUDILLA ,MARK GABRIEL P. a member of MASIDTALAK Class of 2023 and a proud Charlie Company, the Conqueror of the Corps, Philippine National Police Academy.


        My journey as a cadet in the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) has been a long and tough one, but it has also been incredibly rewarding. Before I joined the Academy, I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous, scared, and uncertain. I was worried about leaving my family and friends behind and embarking on a completely new journey. My first day at PNPA was filled with excitement yet with a little bit of anxiety. I was given an orientation about the academy and its rules and regulations. I was also introduced to the different cadet classes and the different departments. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know my peers. The next few months were filled with hard work and dedication. I had to attend classes, do physical training, practice drills, and ceremonies, and learn the different subjects related to the police academy. There were times when I wanted to give up, but I knew that I had to push through and stay focused.

    To join the long maroon line was my initial ambition. We have encountered different individuals, and seen academic brilliance, intense talents, and recognized leadership. We have exchanged collective training and learning experiences. The differences we had when we originally arrived here never hampered us; instead, they helped us unite as a single, powerful corps with a shared desire to preserve justice, constantly live with integrity, and serve our nation as public safety officers.

    We've encountered stronger versions of ourselves over the past four years than we ever imagined we were capable of. For four years, we have worked hard and devoted ourselves to learning, and we have faced extreme challenges. There were fresh difficulties and sacrifices every day. But such struggles pale in comparison to the happiness and sense of fulfillment we currently and in the future experience. We've come to understand that these difficulties have given us more endurance and resilience. Our dear PNPA's four-year cadetship program was a great success in giving us the comprehensive education and training we needed to become public safety officers who are attentive to their communities and focused on service, with a strong sense of religion and patriotism.

     I am truly ready to serve our dear nation, It may not be simple to be change agents in the modern world, but as long as we are aware of our goals and uphold our moral compass it is doable. As we reach the end of our journey, we will have added new elements of security and optimism for our nation.

Crime Scene Investigator


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