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  • caudillamgp2023


Updated: Feb 15, 2023

This is me, nothing special, just like most of us, I was born into a simple family, my mom Evelyn wearing her most beautiful smile as she carry me, a very cheerful and crying baby boy. Starting from being a child I was a mess, I am the reason why my mother could not fly away to Kuwait and work due to being impregnated at the age of 36 and that baby was me. Those were the days that her problems got worse, my father drank with his friends, got no job to provide, keeps on fighting with my mom after his gimmick with his friends, forgot his responsibility to us, and my mom stopped working as a manager at a fast food chain. From there on, the money left with my mother was not enough, her dream of going to a different country stopped, and her gold watches, earrings, and necklaces have been sold, and all things were just about me, and how will I grow up. Truly a mother's love is the best, they would do anything just to keep you safe and grow, if someone will ask me about the best person in the world, it will always be my mother.

,Growing up as a child with my mom as a single mom was both difficult and rewarding. On one hand, it was hard to not have a father figure in my life. On the other hand, my mom was an amazing role model who taught me so much about being independent and strong. She showed me how to work hard, budget, and take responsibility for my actions. She also taught me the value of education and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. My mom was always there to support me and show me unconditional love, no matter what. I am forever grateful for the lessons she taught me and the example she set.

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