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Leadership is an important quality that is found in many successful individuals and organizations. Leadership is more than just having a title or a position of power, it is about taking the initiative to create a vision and inspiring others to follow. Leadership involves motivating others, setting a good example, and working to create a better future. It is also about taking responsibility for the success or failure of the team as well as developing and fostering relationships with those around you. Leadership requires dedication and a commitment to excellence, and those who demonstrate this type of leadership are often rewarded with success and admiration.


The most successful leaders have a clear and well-defined vision of what they want to accomplish. They can communicate that vision to their team and inspire them to reach their goals. They also can recognize potential problems and come up with solutions. Additionally, they can delegate tasks appropriately and ensure that everyone is working together towards the same goal.


Leaders also can motivate and inspire their teams. They understand that people have different strengths and weaknesses, and they can use those differences to create a powerful team dynamic. Leaders are also able to provide feedback and support to their team members, and they can recognize and reward those who do great work.


Leadership is not something that can be achieved overnight, it takes dedication, hard work, and a commitment to excellence. Leaders must be willing to put in the time and effort to learn and grow, and they must be willing to take risks and make mistakes. Leaders must also be willing to accept criticism and feedback from their team and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. In conclusion, leadership is a quality that is essential for any successful individual or organization. It is about having a clear and well-defined vision, motivating and



Leadership is often associated with taking of initiative, making decisions, and guiding others. Servant leadership, on the other hand, is more about empowering and serving others to achieve goals. It focuses on the development of people and the community, as opposed to power and authority. Leadership is about setting the direction and inspiring people to follow. It is about taking initiative and making decisions. Servant leadership is about caring for people and helping them to develop and grow. It is more about building relationships and creating an environment where people can work together to achieve a common goal. Leadership is often associated with the traditional, hierarchical model of power and authority. Servant leadership is about challenging the status quo and creating a culture of collaboration and trust. It is about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, and where everyone can contribute to the success of the organization.





Servant leadership is a style of leadership that focuses on developing and empowering individuals in the workplace. I believe it is an effective way to lead because it places the needs of the people first, while also providing them with the necessary support and resources to be successful. Creating an environment of trust and respect, it can foster collaboration and open communication, which can help promote creativity and innovation. Additionally, it encourages employees to take ownership of their tasks, which can increase productivity and morale. Ultimately, servant leadership can help create a strong, unified team that is better prepared to meet the goals of the organization.

Servant leadership is a style of leadership that puts the needs of others first. It is based on the idea that leaders should be humble and serve their followers, rather than be dictatorial. Servant leadership is based on the principle that leaders should serve their followers, rather than demand obedience. This approach puts a strong emphasis on communication, collaboration, and trust, and encourages leaders to be open and vulnerable with their followers. In my view, servant leadership is an effective way to create a positive and productive working environment. I believe that it is important for leaders to listen to their followers and respond to their needs, as this builds trust and strengthens relationships. Furthermore, servant leadership encourages leaders to be adaptive and flexible, which is essential in today’s dynamic business environment. In conclusion, I think that servant leadership is an effective leadership style that can help to create a positive and productive working environment.

Painting Wall
Citrus Fruits

Growing Leader

I don't usually love to read books or other materials; instead, I prefer to listen and get the most out of them, but when I encountered an enthusiastic man, a leader, and a professional in the person of PMGEN ERIC E, NOBLE, he opened my eyes to comprehend and grasp the importance of reading, especially for us young leaders. Here are some of the reflections I made.

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I would also like to express my sincerest appreciation to PMGEN Eric Escosio Noble "Dad of the Cadet Corps" for his leadership and guidance as the Director of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA). His commitment to the PNPA and the cadets is unparalleled. He has always strived to ensure that the cadets are provided with the best possible training, which has enabled them to become successful and professional police officers. His passion and dedication to the PNPA have been a source of inspiration to the cadets and other staff. The PNPA has flourished under his leadership and guidance and he has set a high standard for all the cadets. I thank PMGEN Eric Escosio Noble for his contributions to the PNPA and for his exemplary leadership. He has been an invaluable asset to the PNPA and I am sure that the cadets and staff will continue to benefit from his hard work and dedication.


Eric Escosio Noble is a leader who demonstrates strong leadership qualities. He is a visionary who can think ahead and plan for the future. He is also a great communicator, able to articulate his vision and objectives to his team clearly and concisely. HE is also a great motivator, inspiring and energizing his team to move towards the common goal. He is also a team player, understanding the importance of collaboration and working together for success. Finally, He is an advocate for his team, always looking out for their best interests and pushing them to reach their maximum potential.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

“The reality is that no one can be authentic by trying to be like someone else. There is no doubt you can learn from their experiences, but there is no way you can be successful trying to be like them. People trust you when you are genuine and authentic, not an imitation.” 

Bill George, True North: Discover Your Authentic Leadership

The book entitled “True North” shows that when one understands how one's decision-making and leadership style are affected and shaped both personally and professionally by one's life experiences, morals, values, integrity, and ethics then one will be able to have a sense of self-awareness and self-acceptance of who one is as an individual and leader. As a future public safety officer, this book educates me and my fellowmen on being true to ourselves.


This book also helps us that knowing one's strengths and weaknesses as a person and as a leader, as well as how internal and external factors can create pressure, are all parts of finding one's true north. Rather than letting pressures cause one to float in the wind as a leader, one should use pressures to accomplish goals and be an authentic leader. Reading this made me realize that one uses the characteristic and skill idea as a harmonizer leader because they are genuine, responsible, dependable, consistent, supportive, driven by quality, and focused on execution while inspiring others' loyalty and helping them learn and grow more.


This also helps us understand all and every hardships or obstacle that we are facing or experiencing during our training period as future public safety officers. This job requires a lot of work and a strategy that requires this is to continually seek knowledge to be able to adapt to change and guarantee that one's team has the most recent information. Understanding one's authentic leadership styles strengths and weaknesses while supplying one's continuous knowledge and abilities to adequately make decisions and adapt to change is what it means to be a leader. Leadership is more than just maintaining a certain image and/or responding to specific situations. It also involves methodical thinking, learning from others, and inspiring and motivating others.


“To add growth, lead followers – To multiply , lead the  leaders.”

- John Maxwell

The 21 Irrefutable laws of leadership demonstrate to you that leadership is acquired, not born and that if you understand some of the universal principles at work in each leader-follower relationship, you too can become a leader.


After scanning the 21 laws of leadership, three laws caught my attention even after reading all the laws in this book. The Law of Connection, The Law of Priorities. and The Law of Sacrifice. The law of connections refers to bringing or uniting two things, as well as to getting along or agreeing. For a leader to be effective, they must be able to connect with others. Before we can count on others to follow, we must connect with them.


As for the law of priorities, Many individuals are too busy to do anything of importance. They are unfocused, and failure is the only outcome. Focusing on what is most important is far better for you than being too occupied. If we are conscious of our attention, we may prioritize our to-do list and complete tasks more quickly.


The law of sacrifice is that leaders give up their independence for authority. In any group of people working together, we must be prepared to give up more as we advance in rank and as the group grows larger. To advance, a leader must renounce.


Without sacrifice, advancement is impossible. Martin Luther King Jr. is cited as an illustration. King understood the risks involved in leading the Civil Rights Movement. This was the sacrifice he decided to make in order to fulfill his ambition of a brighter future, even though he was frequently beaten and imprisoned. These laws should be understood by people who clearly want to become a good leader.

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